Kuvings is committed to selling quality products and ensuring that our dealers are able to offer you the best products at competitive prices. We work very hard to maintain control over the distribution of our products, and ensure that only quality products reach consumers.

Reminder: Warranties are non-transferable. Second-hand items, including sales from websites such as eBay, Craig's List and any auction site are not covered by a manufacturer's warranty.

While Amazon is an authorized online dealer of Kuvings products, some resellers who sell through Amazon are not. Please contact us directly before you purchase if you are uncertain. The following market place sellers are not authorized to sell Kuvings products (this list is not conclusive):

  • Empire Depot
  • Flash Deals
  • Carter & Bramwells
  • Bright Line
  • DD: Dynamic deals
  • My Secret Steals
  • Quality Shop
  • Direct Express