Gut Healthy Papaya Juice

Gut Healthy Papaya Juice

Papaya contains beneficial components that promote gut health. When combined with other fruits and vegetables, as in this recipe, it offers various health benefits while delivering a tropical drink perfect for hot summer months.
Experience Level: Intermediate


  • 1 pineapple
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 large papaya
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 inch ginger

Serves 2.

    Product Needed

    Kuvings REVO830 Juicer, assembled with the juicing strainer.


    1. First, remove the skin from the pineapple and cut into chunks to fit the wide chute, or long chunks to fit the smaller chute.
    2. Slice the papaya in half and remove black seeds. Peel the fruit and chop into chunks.
    3. Cut the cucumber into 2 inch pieces, fit for the wide chute.
    4. Turn on your Kuvings REVO830 juicer.
    5. Add ingredients to the juicer. Alternate between ingredients. Let juice pour into juice cup.
    6. If preferred cold, serve over ice or refrigerate, and enjoy!

    Recipe and photo by